Defines the frames, and should be placed within the HEAD-tags. COLS and ROWS defines if the page should be split into columns or rows. One FRAMESET-tag cannot have both ROWS and COLS, but you may use more than one FRAMESET-tag in the page. The value of ROWS and COLS is a comma-delimited list of heights or widths of the frames. It can be in dots (n ), percent of the page (n %) or in auto (*) format. A "*" will fill the rest of the page, for example COLS="100,*". FRAMEBORDER shows or hides the frame dividers. BORDER and FRAMESPACING are different ways to define the width of the border, in pixels. BORDERCOLOR is the color of the border. Frames were introduced in Netscape Navigator 2.0. They soon became popular, but it took a while until frames was added to the HTML-definitions.
Note: The selected frame is framed by a thin colorized border on Netscape Nacigator 3 and earlier for Mac. In version 4 and later, this border, that has the color of the MacOS selection-color, is removed by using borderless frames. Also note that frames that is borderless in Netscape Navigator will have visible borders in Internet Explorer, and vice versa, unless all tag are used to remove the borders.
Text and pictures within this tag will only show up in browsers that does not support frames. A page with FRAMESET-tags should not have any other information, even no BODY-tag, except what's inside the NOFRAMES-tags.
<FRAME [...]>
Defines a frame within the FRAMESET tag. The following parameters can be used:
NAME="text "
The name of the frame, for example used in the TARGET parameteres to refer to the specified frame.
SRC="url "
The url to the page that should be displayed in the frame.
Defines if the frame should have scrollbars. If auto is used, scrollbars will be used if they are needed.
Sets the space between the frame border and the page content in pixels.
Prevents the user from resizing the frames by draging the border.
A floating frames works like a picture and can be placed anywhere in the page.
<IFRAME [...]>...</IFRAME>
Start and end tags for the floating frame. The text between the start and end-tags will only appear in browser that does not support floating frames. Floating frames are defined in HTML 4. IE
NAME="text "
The name of the frame, for example used in the TARGET parameteres to refer to the specified frame.
SRC="url "
The url to the page that should be displayed in the frame.
WIDTH="n "
Defines the width of the frame.
Defines the height of the frame
Defines if the frame should have scrollbars. If auto is used, scrollbars will be used if they are needed.
[HSPACE="n "] [VSPACE="n "]
Sets the horizontal and vertical space to text and objects in the same way as the IMG-tag.
A standard link will open in a different frame by adding TARGET="frame_name" to the link-tag. The TARGET-parameter is also used to open a new window, or to remove all frames from a window. See the Appendix for more information.
FAQ: Different screen sizes and resolutions
Don't do the common mistake to only define the height or width of the frames in percent of the window, since the page will probably be messed up when it's viewed on a smaller or bigger screen. Instead, a frame that holds some sort of table of contents should have a fixed size, while the frame with the changing contents would have its height or width set to "*".